The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
Comment about View from High Beach, Epping Forest, Essex
Hi. I was riding along that hill on 21/3/08 and me and my friends where looking for hangmans hill and I wondered if you could email me back with directions if you know where hangmans hill is. Thank you. Scott
Scott, Tottenham
I assume that you are looking for the hill where vehicles appear to roll freely uphill. There is also a stream nearby where the water also appears to flow uphill.
The location:
Hangman's Hill
Barry, The BeenThere-DoneThat Web Site
I'm quite certain it's High BeEch, and named so due to the abundance of beech trees, which is unusual as they tend to grow above limestone.
G. Robinson, Waltham Forest Tue 2nd Dec 2008
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