The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain.
Comment about St. Marys Church, Tollesbury, Essex
I have an interesting architectural etched print that shows this church in the background complete with a magnificent full size tower emanating from the extremities of the tower.
It would be interesting to know more about the history of this church and in fact whether, as so many churches did of these times, loose it's spire in a breeze due to substantial insufficiency or timber erosion of some manifestation; OR is my print an imaginative improvement of magnificence by the artist.
It does in fact appear to me that the very top of the tower is out of all known historical design or vogue but then as the church is a truly multi period conglomeration then the chap responsible for the top of the tower as we see it now may have wanted to make a clear statement. All of course should the tower have lost an as of now, mystical spire.
God bless, HCS.
H C Spreckley, England Thu 8th Jul 2010
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