Ancient Buildings, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England
The Old Baptist Chapel, Tewkesbury, gloucestershire, England, Great Britain

The Old Baptist Chapel was originally a 15th century three-bay hall but was adapted to a place of worship in the early 17th century. It is believed to be one of the first Baptist Chapels in England.

It is open to the public.


Abbey Row Cottages, Tewkesbury, gloucestershire, England, Great Britain

Abbey Row Cottages were built in the late 15th century for the Benedictine Monastery as a commercial venture and consisted of shops which were opened to the street by lowering their shutters to act as counters.

This row now houses the National Trust Shop, the John Moore Countryside Museum and the Little Museum. The little museum is a restored merchant's house retaining many medieval features.


Church Street, Tewkesbury, gloucestershire, England, Great Britain

This view of Church Street is looking north-east towards The Cross, the junction between Church Street, Barton Street and High Street.

Some of Tewkesbury's timber-framed building can be seen on the left.


Ye Olde Black Bear, Tewkesbury, gloucestershire, England, Great Britain

Ye Olde Black Bear dates from 1308 and William Shakespeare is said to have performed here with a travelling troupe; Stratford-upon-Avon being only about 30 miles away after all. Ye Olde Black Bear is said to be the oldest inn in Gloucestershire and is in Mythe Road on the corner of the junction with High Street.
