The Regents Canal, London  
Maida Hill Tunnel, Regents Canal, London, England, Great Britain
The Regents Canal.

This is where the Regents Canal emerges from Maida Hill Tunnel when travelling east towards Regents Park. The steps for walkers to rejoin the canal path can be clearly seen to the right of that blue construction.


Canal Sign, Regents Canal, London, England, Great Britain
The Regents Canal.

Walking along the canal path took us under this rather nice metalwork sign.


A view along the Regents Canal, London, England, Great Britain
The Regents Canal.

At this point on the canal we are definitely inside the boundary of Regents Park. There are a few rather imposing houses here such as the U.S. Ambassador's residence which is nearby but I don't think it's this one.


The Regents Canal by London Zoo, London, England, Great Britain
The Regents Canal.

This view was seen from one of the bridges that cross the canal and that angular edifice to the left of the bridge is an aviary in London Zoo. That other bridge is probably within the confines of London Zoo, as it is split by the canal, and cannot be accessed from the canal path.


Read our report of this trip to Regents Park on the Blog.