White Scar Cave (2), Ingleton, Yorkshire Dales, England

A rather dramatic section of the main streamway but it's not this size all the way along neither is it normally as straight as this.
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A fossil coral, dating from approximately 350 million year ago, embeded in the Carboniferous limestone.
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A section of the main passageway showing a calcite 'waterfall'. It is interesting how these calcite decorations form but either side there is only bare rock.
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A rather impressive calcite formation hanging from the roof known as the Arum Lily. The wire cage is there to protect it from errant visitors as another of the formations was deliberately snapped off in the past.
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A calcite flow exhibiting white, pale pink and pale grey colouring. It looks almost like icing but I didn't taste it to confirm.
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At the end of the cave you will find yourself in the very large Battlefield Cavern so called because, when it was first discovered, the boulders strewn over the cavern floor looked like the result of a battle. You are now a half mile (1.6 km) inside the cave although there are some more passages accessible only to cavers. The total length of passages, including the show cave, is nearly 4 miles and it is considered to be the longest show cave in Britain.
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In part of Battlefield Cavern is this 'cascade' of thousands of straw stalactites which glow when illuminated by ultra violet light.
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