BeenThere-DoneThat Guestbook

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Viewing messages 26 to 30.
Suze | @
Am absolutely loving this website - The pictures are amazing and the write-ups are brilliant and descriptive. So many things to see and do in our great country - time to start planning stuff for my week off in November - starting with close-to-home Salisbury! :thumbup:
29 September 2010 - Aldershot, Hampshire, UK

What terrific pictures- my desktop background just got a whole lot better. Many thanks!!
26 September 2010 - Ashford, Kent, UK

Gillian | @
Great website, thank you! I have 5 days in London coming up and will be following some of your tips.
19 August 2010 - Australia

Susan Ayer
LOVE your website! I came across it while researching our family history.I have book marked this site and will return often.

George | @
What a brilliant bit a work, keep it up. Just fell upon it by chance, and admire the section on footpaths and things, as these are now in a disrespectful state. I love to walk for miles, but so often the
paths are so hard to trace.
8 July 2010 - Lincolnshire Wolds

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