BeenThere-DoneThat Guestbook

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Viewing messages 51 to 55.
Elizabeth | @
I'm stunned at the quality of this site. Have you any idea just how good this site is? Your photography is excellent and your comments short and precise. My husband and I were there in May/June '07 and will be going back next year. Daughter getting married in Edinburgh! So we hope to visit the UK much more now. I shall visit this site often and introduce it to my dear friend who is 86 and a WWII Brit War Bride. Many thanks again for your generosity.
30 November 2008 - Paradise, CA USA

jo jones
Great stuff! Thanks for the tips.
30 October 2008 - London

Raj | @
Excellent Job!
17 September 2008 - New Delhi India

Rajanikant Kumar(Raj) | @
an Great web Site sure will be good Team Work!
17 September 2008 - New Delhi (India)

Stu | @
Interesting site. Makes me realise what I miss even though I have walked past some of the buildings you have photographed. Keep up the good work.
13 September 2008 - All over the UK due to work.

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